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Tartan and Plaid Romance
A gallery of romance novel covers with a decidedly tartan twist. Not for the faint of heart. Oh, and by the way, one of these book covers is not legitimate. Good luck.
Temptation in TartanHeavens! There's a Highland Vampires tartan subgenre? Tartan Twilight! | The Devil Wears TartanAnd little else it seems .... | Once Upon a TartanHey, move the broadsword, laddie! |
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous in PlaidAren't they all? | Mad for the PlaidAt least this one's wearing a shirt ... | The Groom Wore PlaidI would think they'd be a little chilly in this landscape, but that's just me. |
Behind the PlaidPlaid Prepositions & Propositions ... | The Devil Wears PlaidBecause tweed just doesn't seem right for the Prince of Darkness | Plaid to the BoneThis pun hurts! |
Once Upon a PlaidBecause "Once Upon a Tartan" was already taken | The Bridegroom Wore PlaidAnother groom with a minimalist sense of wedding fashion | Plaid Tidings"Plaid tidings to you, where ever you are ..." |
Mad About PlaidBeware those sexy kilted innkeepers ... | Corruption of a Plaid SkirtZippers and Royal Stewart ... bad combination | The Tart and the TartanEnough said |
Rakes in TartanRoués or Rogues might have been better - getting a distinctive garden feel for this one | Desire in TartanNo need for all that scratchy wool |
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